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The Crazy Security company decides to implement Wi-Fi throughout its office. Which of the following provides the best level of security.
WEP with SSID disabled
WPA2 Personal with SSID disabled
WPA with TKIP and SSID enabled and set to "AuthorisedPersonnelOnly"
WPA2 Enterprise
WEP has long been shown to be insecure - attempts to crack this can be done in minutes. Similarly, using TKIP (for either WPA or WPA2) has vulnerabilities - also broadcasting a network name of "AuthorisedPersonnelOnly" is just likely to attract attackers. WPA2 with AES is the best for of Wi-Fi security. As a note: disabling the SSID does not prevent an attacker from finding a Wi-Fi signal. WPA2 automatically uses AES. The only way to differentiate WPA2 levels is through Enterprise and Personal where Enterprise uses RADIUS and a CAS.
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