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Which of the following ISO standards provides guidelines for accreditation of an organization that is concerned with certification and registration related to ISMS?
ISO 27003
ISO 27006
ISO 27004
ISO 27005
ISO 27006 is an information security standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is entitled as "Information technology - Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems". The ISO 27006 standard provides guidelines for accreditation of an organization which is concerned with certification and registration related to ISMS. The ISO 27006 standard contains the following elements: Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Principles General requirements Structural requirements Resource requirements Information requirements Process requirements Management system requirements for certification bodies Information security risk communication Information security risk monitoring and review Annex A. Defining the scope of process Annex B. Asset valuation and impact assessment Annex C. Examples of typical threats Annex D. Vulnerabilities and vulnerability assessment methods Annex E. Information security risk assessment (ISRA) approaches Answer: C is incorrect. The ISO 27003 standard provides guidelines for implementing an ISMS (Information Security Management System). Answer: D is incorrect. The ISO 27004 standard provides guidelines on specifications and use of measurement techniques for the assessment of the effectiveness of an implemented information security management system and controls. Answer: B is incorrect. The ISO 27005 standard provides guidelines for information security risk management.
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