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Which of the following would be a major contributor to reducing the time need to research exceptions during a data file change management controls review?
Transaction logs
Data file security
File updating and maintenance authorization
One-for-one checking
Transaction logs generate an audit trail by providing a detailed listing of date of input, time of input, user ID, terminal location, etc. Research time can be reduced in investigating exceptions since the review can be performed on the logs rather than on the entire transaction file. It also helps to determine which transactions have been posted to an accountby a particular individual during a particular period. One-for-one checking is a control procedure in which an individual document agrees with a detailed listing of documents processed by the system. It would take a long time to complete the research using this procedure. Data file security controls prevent unauthorized access by unauthorized users in their attempt to alter data files. This would not help identify the transactions posted to an account. File updating and maintenance authorization is a control procedure to update the stored data and ensure accuracy and security of stored data. This does provide evidence regarding the individuals who update the stored data; however, it is not effective in the given situation to determine transactions posted to an account.
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