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Welcome to our computer crime module. Cyber crime is one of the fastest growing areas of crime. Many criminals are taking advantage of the convenience and the speed of the internet, as well as a perceived anonymity, in order to commit a wide range of criminal offenses that know no borders either physical or virtual.
There are three general types of cyber crime. Attacks against the computer hardware or software, such as malware, network intrusion and botnets, financial crimes and corruptions, online fraud, penetrating online financial services and phishing scams. As well as abuse in the form of grooming or sexploitation. Which is seen very frequently in crimes against the elderly and crimes against children.
A computer crime is a breech of a law or a rule made by some governmental agency. Many crimes have computer involvement but they are not necessarily computer crimes. Computer crime laws generally focus on trespassing or the unauthorized intrusion into a computer system. Deleting data or modifying data without permission, and installing malware, or committing denial of service attacks.
Computers are often used to commit other crimes such as fraud, stealing, or embezzlement. These types of offenses are all ready illegal, but individuals use computers in order to facilitate the crimes or make them easier. Which, in most jurisdictions, would cause a sentencing enhancement to occur. Keep in mind that incidents could be the result of an attack by an unauthorized individual, or some type of crime, but they could also be unintentional.
Unintentional incidents could include and employee who accidentally deletes data but does not do so maliciously. A piece of hardware failing, some type of natural disaster. And these incidents would not need a criminal investigation because they were accidental or cause by nature. There are three general types of computer crimes.
Computer targeted crimes is where the computer itself is the victim of some type of unauthorized attack. The computer could be attacked for a denial of service attack, or for a network intrusion, or some other unauthorized access. Computer assisted crimes are crimes that not necessarily computer related, but the attacker or individual committing the crime uses a piece of technology, such as a computer, a tablet, voice over IP phone, or smartphone to break the law.
These types of crimes include obtaining confidential information by attacking systems. Attacking financial systems to steal money, publicly protesting acts of government by defacing government websites. Really any type of crime can be committed with the use of a computer, selling drugs, harassing individuals, even hiring someone to commit a murder using the internet. Computer incidental crime is where a computer just happens to be there as part of the crime, however it is not involved in the crime. For example, if an individual broke into your house and stole your computer, this would not really be a computer crime, it's just that your computer would have been stolen as part of the burglary, so it just happened to be there when the crime was committed.
When police officers recover stolen computers or other electronic devices they have to be concerned about accessing the information contained on those devices. Because they may be violating the fourth amendment and may need a search warrant to access the content of these devices. This concludes our computer crime module, thank you for watching.
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THANK YOU! Just bloody thank you! I’m doing the CEH minor at my college and well...I’ve learned more from this site in a few hours than I’ve learned from my school in 9 weeks about the subject. Keep up the good work!
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