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Welcome to our network signalling types and techniques module. There are two general electronic signal types, analog and digital. Analog transmission is used in Wi-Fi, multimode fiber and cable television. Analog transmission works by varying electromagnetic waves and it is a continuous signal that is varied by signal amplitude. You can use analog for broadband by combining multiple signals.
Digital transmission is used with ethernet, single mode fiber and DSL. Digital signals are transmitted in the form of electrical pulses representing binary digits, either zero or one. You can only have one signal on the media at any time, otherwise a collision occurs which can cause problems with your transmission, forcing it to be retransmitted.
We have two different types of signaling, baseband and broadband. Baseband is used with binary signals, and there is only one channel on the cable at any given time. It uses dedicated protocols and frequencies. With analog technology we can have broadband signals where the cable uses several channels at once.
We can often transmit more data per unit of time and it's often used with multiplexing technology. We can also have two different types of signalling, synchronous or asynchronous transmission. With synchronous transmission, there are streams of data flowing with no start or stop bits. Before communicating, the two systems will synchronize with each other using a clocking mechanism, and this is typically used to transfer large amounts of data.
With asynchronous transmission bits are sent sequentially. Usually this is used to transmit small amounts of data and there are start and stop bits used to indicate when the transmission is going to begin and when the transmission ends. This technology was used with DSL modems in order to provide more download bandwidth.
We also have three different ways of transmitting data over networks. Unicast is a one to one relationship and this is the most common connection, where one system is sending data to another system. With multicast, we have a one to many relationship and we can use multicast groups with IGMP, or Internet Group Management Protocol.
This can save our bandwidth on our local area network and with this technology we have one system that is transmitting data to several systems. And broadcast technology used on our local area networks is a one to all relationship. Ethernet technology broadcasts all of the data received on its shared LAN medium to all of the other systems on the medium, and this typically occurs on just one segment of a network that is configured using switches.
For the CISSP examination, you should remember that unicast is a one to one relationship, multicast is one to many, and with broadcast technology many devices are transmitting to all of the other devices on the network. This concludes our network signaling types and techniques module, thank you for watching.
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