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Welcome to our database transaction management module. A relational database performs many different transactions at the same time and this is known as concurrently. In order to support concurrency and security in your database, the database must provide integrity. A double update occurs when two programs access the same record simultaneously.
A deadlock condition can occur if two processes are waiting for the other to release the resources. Since they are both waiting for the other, they will essentially be waiting indefinitely. Concurrent transactions are not risks, however the result of a concurrent transaction could be a threat if the transaction is not resolved properly.
It could cause denial of service in your database, so it is not available for your other users and it could also cause a loss of data integrity. Data is usually available to multiple users at the same time in a database and this does not generally endanger its integrity.
A database will typically lock a record while someone is accessing it until they are done with it. Once the transaction is completed, the database will commit that change to the database and execute all of the recently entered transactions. A rollback is when changes are cancelled and the database returns to the state, previous to the transaction if that transaction fails.
A checkpoint or a savepoint is where the system periodically saves data and this is similar to a snapshot. If an error is detected the system can automatically return to the last good saved point. Journaling is used in databases to track transactions to aid in recovery in case something goes wrong.
OLTP, or online transaction processing uses multiple database systems clustered together with transactions that are being recorded and committed in real time. Generally, there are a large number of concurrent users actively adding and modifying information in the database. An example of this is an airline reservation system where individuals are constantly trying to purchase tickets, changing their seats, and making other changes to their reservations.
OLTP provides resiliency and a high level of performance while processing multiple transactions. OLTP's monitoring and resolution of transaction related problems uses a four step asset test to verify that each transaction is completed successfully before logging it to the database. For the CISSP examination, you should remember online transaction processing is used in systems where a large number of individuals need to access the database simultaneously and make changes in an online environment.
Online transaction processing uses the four step acid test. And you should be familiar with the acid test for the CISSP examination. The first step, atomicity guarantees that all of the steps in the transaction are completed successfully as a group. Consistency ensures the accuracy and the synchronization of transactions in databases throughout the organization's OLTP network. Isolation ensures that new transactions will not interact with other transactions until the entire transaction is completed. Finally, durability ensures that the changes are committed only if the transaction is verified on all of the systems. This concludes our database transaction management module. Thank you for watching.
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THANK YOU! Just bloody thank you! I’m doing the CEH minor at my college and well...I’ve learned more from this site in a few hours than I’ve learned from my school in 9 weeks about the subject. Keep up the good work!
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