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After an IT auditor has selected a business process for review, what should be selected next?
Control objectives and activities.
IS audit resources to be deployed.
Auditee personnel to be interviewed.
Most valuable information assets.
A. To determine the key information assets to be audited, the IS auditor should first determine which control objectives and key control activities should be validated. Only information assets that are related to the control objectives and key control activities are relevant for scoping the audit. B. Only after determining which controls and related relevant information assets are to be validated can the IS auditor decide on the key IS audit resources (with the relevant skill sets) that should be deployed for the audit. C. Only after determining the key control activities to be validated can the IS auditor identify the relevant process personnel who should be interviewed. D. Once the business process is identified, the IS auditor should first identify the control objectives and activities that should be validated in the audit.
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