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Which of the following policies can explain how the company interacts with partners, the company's goals and mission, and a general reporting structure in different situations?
An informative policy informs employees about certain topics. It is not an enforceable policy, but rather one to teach individuals about specific issues relevant to the company. The informative policy can explain how the company interacts with partners, the company's goals and mission, and a general reporting structure in different situations. Answer: D is incorrect. A regulatory policy ensures that an organization follows the standards set by specific industry regulations. This type of policy is very detailed and specific to a type of industry. The regulatory policy is used in financial institutions, health care facilities, public utilities, and other government- regulated industries, e.g., TRAI. Answer: B is incorrect. An advisory policy strongly advises employees regarding which types of behaviors and activities should and should not take place within the organization. It also outlines possible ramifications if employees do not comply with the established behaviors and activities. The advisory policy can be used to describe how to handle medical information, handle financial transactions, and process confidential information. Answer: C is incorrect. It is not a valid type of policy.
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