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Which would a CISSP use to provide detailed instructions on how to implement specific policies and meet standard criteria?
The correct response is procedures. Procedures provide detailed instructions on how to implement policies and to meet standards.
EDIT: Enough with the CISSP questions. This isn't a CISSP course. To your CISSP point, I think Skillset mixes in CEH questions with CISSP...while the questions may be close I think this is a terrible practice!
EDIT #2: This IS a CISSP course... go back to your CEH :).EDIT:: Can somebody from skillset clarify this. I am CEH and i find myself answering questions belonging to CISSP.
EDIT #3: 6/13/2019: I am in the CISSP course and seeing this. Seems to confirm they mix CEH/CISSP due to closeness of questions.
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