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In terms of WAN equipment, which of the following correctly describes DTE and DCE? (Choose two)
Computers and Routers are DTE, which provide clocking signal to DCE
Modem is a DCE that receives the clocking signal from the DTE at which frequency they agree to communicate
DTE provides clocking mechanism which tells the DCE at which frequency should they communicate
Modems or CSU/DSUs are DCE, which provides clocking signal to DTE devices at which frequency they agree to communicate
Customer Premises Equipment such as computers, routers, or printers are DTE
In terms WAN equipment, DTE or Data Terminal Equipment include Customer Premises Equipment such as computers, routers, or printer are DTE. Modems or routers (that provides clocking mechanism) are DCE or Data Communications Equipment (or CSU/DSU). DCE provides clocking mechanism to DTEs at which frequency they agree to communicate.
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