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Which LMI specification can be verified when using the show frame-relay lmi command?
Frame-relay LMI specifications are CISCO (Cisco, StrataCom, Nortel, and DEC), ANSI (Annex D of the ANSI T1.617 standard) and q933a (Annex A of the ITU-T Q.933 standard). Frame-relay encapsulation types are CISCO and IETF. LMI specifications differ with encapsulation types. LMI types are the signaling standards between a router (CPE) and FR switch (Telco). It serves as the heartbeat for that link which verifies the flow of data between the two devices. Encapsulation types deal with the framing of a frame-relay packet. IEEE and 802.1Q (Trunking) has nothing to with question. (
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