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Which of the following IP addressing scheme combinations (address range with subnet mask and variably subnetted) can fit a network that needs 50 Point-to-Point WAN links and wastes the fewest subnet and host addresses? subnetted with mask /28 subnetted with mask /29 subnetted with mask /30 subnetted with mask /29 subnetted with mask /30
First and most important "point-to-point" links need only two valid hosts (/30). In binary /30 (1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1100) the last two 0s represent the host part of the address and the 1s represent the network part of the address. If subnet address (1111 1111.1111 1111.0000 0000) is used then 6 bits are borrowed from last ip address. 50 Networks can fit in 64, therefore use 2^6=64 ( for networks ) and 30 6 (bits) = 24.
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